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Marge Rosen

Educator Conductor Trumpet Drums

Marge Rosen conductor director trumpet percussion drums jazz music

Live Concerts

Saturday, February 15 – Mahler’s 5th and cellist Tracy Tyson plays Bruch & Popper

Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra

Port Angeles Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Avenue, Port Angeles, WA

Public Dress Rehearsal 10:00 am

Concert 7:00 pm


Tuesday, March 12 – Jazz in the PUB

Peninsula College Jazz Ensemble

Pirate Union Building, Peninsula College, 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, WA


Bring your luch or get something at the Market Deli

Free, all ages.  Donations accepted

Tuesday, March 12 – Winter Concert

Peninsula College Concert Band

Maier Performance Hall, Peninsula College, 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, WA

7 PM

Free, all ages.  Donations accepted

Thursday, March 14 – Jazz Concert

Peninsula College Jazz Ensemble with special guest Steve Treseler

Maier Performance Hall, Peninsula College, 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, WA

7 PM

Free, all ages.  Donations accepted

Friday, May 16 – Friday Night Live – Jazz Concert

Stardust Big Band

Potluck and Concert

Sequim Community Church, 950 N 5th Ave, Sequim, WA

Bring a dish to share 5pm.  Concert and dance 6pm.

Free, all ages.  Donations accepted

Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day Concert and Ceremony

Port Townsend Concert Band

Concert 11:00

American Legion, Marvin G. Shields Post 26, 209 Monroe St, Port Townsend, WA

Free, all ages. 


Recent Performances

Friday, November 29 – Festival of Trees Senior Breakfast

Stardust Big Band

Vern Burton Community Center, Port Angeles, WA

Saturday, October 26 – Masquerade Ball

Stardust Big Band

American Legion Hall, Port Townsend, WA

Sunday, August 25 – PT Summer Band Concert

Port Townsend Summer Band

Pope Marine Park  Water Street, Port Townsend, WA

Sunday, August 11 – Blossoms & Blessings ’24

Jazz Combo with Tess Teal, Elaine Gardner Morales and Al Harris

Heronswood Garden  7530 NE 288th St., Kingston, WA 98346

12:30-3:30 pm

Garden Party and annual fundrasier hosted by St. Vincent de Paul Bremerton

Saturday, August 10 – Music on the Strait

Brass Quintet

Field Arts & Events Hall – Sunset Lounge 201 W Front St, Port Angeles, WA 98362

5:45 pm

Free happy hour concert in the lounge before the Mainstage concert at 7pm

Friday, August 9 – Jefferson County Fair

Stardust Big Band, Noon

Port Townsend Summer Band, 3:30 pm

Jefferson County Fairgrounds 4907 Landes St., Port Townsend, WA

Free to all at the Fair

Thursday, July 4 – Fourth of July Concert

Port Townsend Summer Band and Community Chorus of  Port Townsend and East Jefferson County

Patriotic favorites

Pope Marine Park  Water Street, Port Townsend, WA

Rain location across the street at the American Legion Hall

6:00 pm, free all ages

Thursday, June 6 – Peninsula College Jazz Concert

Peninsula College Jazz Ensemble and Vocal Jazz Masters

Field Arts & Events Hall 201 W Front Street, Port Angeles, WA

7:00 pm

Free, all ages. Suggested donation $10

Sunday, May 12 – Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra featuring Dee Daniels

Mother’s Day Matinee

Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra

Dee Daniels, vocals

Jenny Kellogg, Musical Director

Nordstrom Recital Hall, located in Benaroya Hall  200 University St, Seattle, WA 98101


Past Performances

Live Concerts, Events, Clubs and Festivals:

Peninsula Area

Field Arts & Events Hall

Maier Hall, Peninsula College, Port Angeles, WA

Port Angeles High School Performing Arts Center, Port Angeles, WA

Clallam County Fair, Port Angeles, WA

Jefferson County Fair, Port Townsend, WA

The PUB, Peninsula College, Port Angeles, WA

Chetzemoka Park, Port Townsend, WA

Pope Marine Park Plaza, Port Townsend, WA

American Legion, Port Townsend, WA

Sequim Elks Lodge, Sequim, WA

Olympic Theater Arts, Sequim, WA

Chimicum High School Auditorim, Chimicum, WA

Bloedel Reserve, Bainbridge Island

Trinity United Methodist Church, Port Townsend

Seattle Area

 Benaroya Hall


 Ballard Jazz Walk

 Earshot Jazz Festival

 Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley

 Edmonds Art Festival

 Kirkland Performance Center

 Music at the Marina, Everett, WA

 Nectar Lounge, Center of the Universe

 Pacific Lutheran University

 The Royal Room

 The Triple Door, Mainstage

 Tula’s Jazz Club

 Vancouver Wine & Jazz Festival,  Vancouver, WA



Marge plays trumpet with Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra


by Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra | Dreamcatcher

Two to Tango

by Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra | Dreamcatcher

Mighty Urubamba

by Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra | Meeting of the Waters


by Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra | Meeting of the Waters

Dreamcatcher CD recording by the seattle women's jazz orchestra with Marge Rosen on trumpet
Meeting fo the Waters a cd recording of jazz by the seattle womens jazz orchestra swojo with marge rosen on trumpet

Contact Marge

Marge can provide music perfect for concerts, schools, community events, festivals, weddings, dances, clubs, conferences, and corporate events.

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